New Feature–View Recordings of Talks

Photo by Rev. Tony Lewis

There is a new feature here! Did you miss an event or a talk? Now you can view Zoom recordings of Bible Studies or listen to podcasts and other interviews I have done. There is a new tab on the website header; Look for “Bible Study or Other Talks.” Click on it. You will see a long list of interviews I have done on various podcasts as well as Bible Study sessions on Zoom. Click on whichever you want to listen to or view–some of the Zoom sessions require a password, which is listed there for you to copy-and-paste.

Check back on the “Bible Study or Other Talks” page often. It will be updated at least once a week, if not more frequently. There are more recordings in April that I am in the process of adding as well as more recent events. I expect this to continue even after the pandemic restrictions ease: Zoom recordings are just a standard feature of life now.

If I find other talks or presentations that I think you might be interested, I will add a few of those links as well. Keep checking back and see what’s new on the new “Bible Study or Other Talks” page!

Bible Study on Zoom

We were able to have our Wednesday morning Bible Study on Zoom today. It worked–without TOO many glitches! Huzzah! We meet every Wednesday 11 a.m. – noon (Eastern Daylight Savings Time). I was even able to record it. You can view it here; You might want to fast forward through the first part while people are joining and figuring out how to turn on their audio, etc. I plan to record each Wednesday meeting and post the link for people who might be interested but could not participate. Let me know if you would like the information to join the study group itself.