Aster and Morning Glory: September’s Blossoms

Aster, one of the "birth flowers" of September, is also called Michaelmas Daisy.

Aster, one of the “birth flowers” of September, is also called Michaelmas Daisy.

September’s birth flowers are the aster and the morning glory. Asters, also called a “michaelmas daisy” for the Michaelmas holiday on September 29, are a feminine flower associated with the element of water and the goddess Aphrodite. They are used in sachets to attract love. You can also give blooming asters to someone whose love you wish to attract.

Morning glory, however, while also associated with water is a masculine flower and attractive to Saturn. Its seeds can be placed beneath pillows to stop nightmares and a garden that contains morning glory is a source of peace and happiness. Morning glory root can also be used in a sachet to attract wealth (anoint it with mint oil first). The roots can also be steeped in oil and the oil used to anoint items to be used in magical practice.