


Rosemary is such a common but useful kitchen herb that it is easy to forget that it is also an herb frequently used in magical practice as well. (I just made a roast chicken with lotsa rosemary and it came out delicious! When I used the bones to make chicken stock, I added more handfuls of rosemary — together with carrots and potatoes — and got a wonderful pot of soup out of the deal as well.)

One grimoire (magical handbook) directs rosemary to be used with mint and marjoram, “tied with a thread spun by a virgin,” as a means to sprinkle water on newly-consecrated magical tools. This same handbook suggests washing your hands wth rosemary oil and onion juice as a protection against fire.

Rosemary has long been associated with the Sun and the element of fire; hence, its use as a protection against fire. It is also often burnt as an incense and, although I very much prefer to use frankincense, some manuals suggest using rosemary as a more affordable and easily available substitute for frankincense.

Rosemary can be used for healing and love spells or in spells of protection (ESP against robbers and nightmares). In each of these cases, the rosemary may be burnt on charcoal or placed under the pillow or bed to achieve its desired effect. Washing with rosemary-infused water can promote youthfulness… a much better way to acomplish this than the blood-bathing often recommended or practiced (as by Countess Elizabeth Bathory)!

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