The Dresden Files

Dresden Files 2

The Dresden Files series was my introduction to all that urban fantasy is and can be. These books remain the granddaddy of all urban fantasy, as far as I am concerned, the brilliance of which others can only aspire to reach. The way Jim Butcher researches and then reshapes Celtic myth so that it becomes the basis of Harry Dresden’s world is stunning. His thoughtful descriptions of how magic “works” is well-developed and coherent; the discussion in Ghost Story (the 13th book of the series) of how ghosts or other non-physical agents are able to interact with the physical world–both influencing it and being influenced by it themselves–is logical, easy to follow, and provokes the “Why, of course!” moment that all good writing hopes to achieve.

Although it is recommended to read the books in order, I must admit that I did not do so when I first discovered the series and each books works well as a stand-alone novel. Each character is introduced again as necessary and the reader is not left wondering “Who is that” What are they talking about? Why did they do that?”

Hurry to start your adventures with Harry Dresden ASAP!