Christ is risen!

Harrowing of Hell/Resurrection icon from an iconostasis in a church on Crete. Kings David and Solomon with St. John the Baptist stand behind Adam. Old Testament prophets stand behind Eve.

Are there any who are devout lovers of God?
Let them enjoy this bright and beautiful festival!

Are there any who are grateful servants?
Let them rejoice and enter rejoicing into the joy of their Lord!

….The Lord gives rest to those who come at the eleventh hour,
as well as to those who toiled from the beginning. For the Lord is gracious and receives the last even as the first.

To one and all the Lord gives generously.
The Lord accepts the offering of every work.
He honors every deed and commends the intention.

Let us all enter into the joy of the Lord!

First and last alike, receive your reward.
Rich and poor, rejoice together!

Conscientious and lazy, celebrate the day!
You that have kept the fast, and you that have not,
rejoice today, for the table—the altar of the Lord—is richly laden!

Feast royally, for the calf is fatted.
Let no one go away hungry. 
Partake, everyone, of the banquet of faith.
Enjoy all the riches of his goodness!

Let no one grieve because of their poverty,
for the universal Kingdom has been revealed.

Let no one lament that they have fallen again and again,
for forgiveness has risen from the grave.

Let no one fear death,
for the Savior’s death has set us free.

He destroyed Death by enduring death.
He descended into Hades and took it captive.
It was in turmoil as soon as it tasted his flesh.

Isaiah—in chapter 14—foretold this when he said, “Hell was in turmoil when it encountered him in the lower regions.”

It was in turmoil because it was abolished.
It was in turmoil because it was mocked.

It was in turmoil because it was slain.
It was in turmoil for it was eclipsed.
It was in turmoil for it was annihilated.
It was in turmoil for it was wrapped in chains.

Hell took a corpse, and met God face to face.
It seized earth and encountered heaven.
Hell took what was seen and was overcome by what was unseen.

O death, where is your sting?
O hell, where is your victory?

Christ is risen and you are overthrown!
Christ is risen and the demons are fallen!
Christ is risen and the angels rejoice!
Christ is risen and life reigns!
Christ is risen and not one (of the) dead remains in the grave.

For Christ, being risen from the dead,
is become the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

To Him be glory and dominion forever and ever.


(Paschal homily attributed to St. John Chrysostom)

SS. Isaac and Symeon, “On the Nativity”

(Illumination from the “Golden codex” of Pułtusk, a town in Poland, that is one of the oldest, surviving medieval codices in Poland today.)

This Christmas night bestowed peace on the whole world;
So let no one threaten;

This is the night of the Most Gentle One –
Let no one be cruel;

This is the night of the Humble One –
Let no one be proud.

Now is the day of joy –
Let us not revenge;

Now is the day of Good Will –
Let us not be mean.

In this Day of Peace –
Let us not be conquered by anger.

Today the Bountiful impoverished Himself for our sake;
So, rich one, invite the poor to your table.

Today we receive a Gift for which we did not ask;
So let us give alms to those who implore and beg us.

This present Day cast open the heavenly doors to our prayers;
Let us open our door to those who ask our forgiveness.

Today the Divine Being took upon Himself the seal of our humanity,
In order for humanity to be decorated by the Seal of Divinity.

– St. Isaac the Syrian (7th century), “Sermon on the Nativity“

And from Saint Symeon the New Theologian:

…the Logos descended (Jn 10.36)

and dwelt entirely in the womb of the virgin,

and He was wholly in the Father and wholly in the womb,

and wholly in the universe, being uncontainable.

Not reduced, not diminished at all, He went entirely in

and remained unchanged. He took the form of a slave

and having been begotten He became human in every way (Phil 2.7).

The whole of Him went through the womb and He came into

the world;

again He was taken up from whence He was not separated (Mk 16.19).

Glory to You, Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Boundless Divinity, indivisible by nature,

prostrate, we all worship You in the Holy Spirit,

we who have your Spirit, as we have received from You.

Hymn 21, St. Symeon the New Theologian (excerpted from “Divine Eros: Hymns of St. Symeon the New Theologian”)